Category Archives: Something Different

“Sort Out Your Crap Life” for only £6.99

Due to the success of the full colour version and the huge reaction from students across the world Claire Anstey has just released her best selling book in a budget Black and White format.

It is a must have for anyone whom doesnt feel in control of there life or know what to do next. – Maybe you feel like this or maybe you have a dear friend that you are concerned about – Whomever it is they need this book – It is changing the life of thousands of people aged 15-35 around the world and the next change could be happening to you.

Within it you will learn how to uncover what you really want from your life and be taught the exercises that will enable you to create balance within it.   

Find out ways that will allow you to lose the friends that are dragging you down and attract new and exciting people into your life. Learn how to love yourself and know that you a wonderful person whom deserves a fabulous full and fun life. Problem solve with ease and gain the confidence to make all the changes you deeply desire.

This book is an amalgamation of the wisdom Claire learnt from experts across the globe, it gives us a sneaky peeks of her own private diary, pitch perfect quotes from a spectrum of 21st century gurus spanning Mahatma Gandhi to P Diddy and a 21 day plan so that we can create change for ourselves just like she did.

The author has put the truth out there for all to see, it is brave and genius. What she has to say will change the ok life you thought you had to one that makes you feel like a rock star.

We love this book as it introduces spiritual and practical techniques in a exciting, funny and real life way. Claire is relatable, normal and comes across as a good friend.

Get your copy of this life changing boook now and ALL FOR ONLY £6.99 –

Click Here To Chnage your life NOW

Video: Dan Le Sac VS. Scroobius Pip – “Letter From God To Man”